Batch File Modifier is an application for modifying Windows folders and files, as well as TXT and HTML files. The program is made on the basis of Microsoft.Net framework, thus works perfectly under Windows Vista and even Windows 7. It has a nice, wizard-like interface. These are the task we can perform: HTML file modification, changing file attributes, renaming files/folders, finding and replacing texts in files, and changing files' date/time.
HTML files can be compiled into “HTML help files” (the widespread *.CHM file format). The program automatically finds and edits erroneous tags and compiles all files to a single CHM file. We only need to select the container folder and whether or not to modify the HTML files to remove errors. Filtering with wildcards is available.
Particular portions of text can be found and replaced in any file. This can be useful when you are editing a lot of text files together. File attributes like read-only or hidden can be set. The date of folders/files, like “Last modified”, and even “Last accessed” can be changed. Renaming multiple files is also supported.
The program can delete files and prevent their recovery. 3 types of deletion can be used: quick, secure, and thorough (“thorough” takes the longest). Important/sensitive documents can be thus securely deleted so that no one can recover them.